We are committed to achieving broad and affordable access to high speed fiber optic internet as a publicly-owned utility in Multnomah County, Oregon.
Net Neutrality
In December 2017, the FCC moved against the public interest by repealing net neutrality regulations. These regulations are essential to keeping the internet open and free. Community-owned broadband protects internet users and businesses from censorship and paid prioritization.
Internet providers have been lobbying to sell private consumer information about what you do online for years. In 2017, they succeeded in repealing rules requiring them to get consent to collect, use and sell information about their customers’ habits. Our municipal broadband proposal ensures the privacy of internet users is always protected.
In a recent Harvard study, municipal broadband was found to provide communities with service which was much less expensive than private providers. Municipal broadband would be able to break monopolies and provide people cheaper service without sacrificing quality.
The people and organizations of Portland need fast internet access to meet their growing communication needs. Municipal broadband would provide far faster internet speeds than that which is currently available from private providers.
Large internet providers are notorious for their poor customer service, frequent outages, and lack of accountability due to their regional monopolies. Public infrastructure is built to serve the needs of the community first, not to make a profit.
Our municipal broadband proposal makes internet access affordable for everyone. It ensures everyone in Portland has quality internet access regardless of background or socioeconomic status.